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CBD and hemp for menstrual problems - PMS - experiences - studies - tips


Woman with PMS pain on couch

A few days before their period, many women suffer from premenstrual syndrome (PMS). However, this is not the same for everyone. Different women experience different forms. Mood swings, breast tenderness, sleep and digestive problems, water retention, or back, stomach and headaches can all occur.

These symptoms are also commonly referred to as period pain. Some women get through this monthly phase without any problems, but others find it difficult or impossible to carry out their normal daily activities in the days before their period. For some women, however, the pain is so severe that a doctor must be consulted to determine whether it could be endometriosis.


General Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) Symptoms

Affected women experience both emotional and physical symptoms related to the menstrual cycle.

According to a recent survey, 10% of women reported regularly suffering from PMS symptoms.

The symptoms of PMS vary from woman to woman, as does their severity. Around a quarter of those affected report severe symptoms, and around eight percent report particularly severe ones. The latter group suffers from a significantly restricted social life due to the symptoms during PMS.

The known physical signs of PMS include:

  • fatigue

  • Diarrhea

  • Headache

  • Edema

  • Back pain

  • Cravings and loss of appetite

  • painful breast swelling

  • migraine

  • Activation of latent inflammatory sites.

Psychological symptoms of PMS include:

  • Lack of motivation or restlessness

  • Mood swings

  • Depression

  • Anxiety

  • Aggression or low self-esteem.

Conventional remedies for menstrual cramps (PMS)

The classic remedies for PMS are medication, diet, exercise and relaxation exercises.

Commonly used medications:

So-called hormonal ovulation inhibitors , prevent ovulation

Pharmaceutical painkillers for back, neck and headaches

Artificial mood enhancers such as serotonin inhibitors , for depression and mood swings

Both ovulation inhibitors and serotonin inhibitors have side effects and risks. That's why many women don't take them.

Because of the side effects, doctors only recommend it if other therapies are ineffective.


CBD (Cannabidiol) oil for menstrual cramps - PMS

Experiences and study reports

Since research has become more and more intensive on CBD (cannabidiol), different ways in which the active ingredient can influence the body have been recognized.

First of all, the endocannabinoid system plays an important role in pain regulation.See the description here.

· Due to its anti-inflammatory properties

· Due to the pain-relieving properties

· Due to the mood-enhancing properties

CBD Full Spectrum Oil Bottle
CBD Full Spectrum Oil 5% from Unser Kraut

CBD for PMS - menstrual pain

Studies have shown that CBD has a pain-relieving effect. Therefore, according to the results and expert opinion, the possibilities of using CBD for period pain or painful menstrual cramps are good.

Women often report severe abdominal pain. CBD also offers relief from this pain by providing relaxation.

CBD for menstrual headaches and migraines

Many women report sometimes severe headaches during PMS. Studies

prove that CBD has a relaxing effect and can relieve headaches.

CBD for menstrual sleep disorders

Women often report that they have trouble falling asleep during menstruation or that their sleep is little to not restful. The next day, most of them feel tired and unrested.

CBD has long been used by many users to treat sleep disorders . It relaxes the muscles and calms the mind. CBD does not cause intoxication, but rather a natural inner peace and balance.

Without becoming addictive.

This effect was confirmed by another study from the University of Michigan in the USA. The subjects were people with sleep problems. They were given cannabis products as a therapeutic measure.

Those participants whose sleep problems were caused by pain said

80% said their sleep quality had improved significantly. The number of hours of continuous sleep also increased.

CBD for menstrual skin impurities

For many women, PMS symptoms also manifest themselves in the form of skin problems. In the 4 to 14 days before the onset of menstruation, visible skin blemishes and acne often occur.

In addition to the physical complaints, most women also suffer psychologically. According to a study , CBD can help with its anti-inflammatory properties

be helpful. Many of the skin imperfections are caused by inflammation.

CBD for stress and mood swings

Due to the possible lack of serotonin before and during your period, your body is in a low mood. This can promote depression and anxiety.

According to decades of user experience, cannabidiol's calming and relaxing properties can help you stay physically and mentally calm during mood highs and lows. This can significantly increase your well-being.

One reason for this is an increased cortisol level. In addition to mood swings, this is also responsible for vague feelings of anxiety. As part of a double-blind study, CBD was administered to subjects with an increased cortisol level. Nothing changed in the placebo group, but the CBD group felt significantly less stress. The cortisol level had demonstrably fallen.

CBD can complement this with its anti-anxiety effect without being intoxicating or addictive.

Happy Mind Capsules
Good mood - herbal formula with hemp

The additional intake of vitamins and minerals is also recommended. The following are particularly effective here:

Hemp Happy Mind capsules.

In addition to the targeted micronutrient complex, these also contain 5-HTP from the Griffonia plant and L-tryptophan, both precursors of serotonin, the body's own happiness hormone.

Last but not least, the capsules also contain saffron extract (Saffr' Activ®), a natural ingredient with brightening properties. Saffron, already used in ancient times as a medicinal spice, stimulates cognitive properties to maintain good mental health. Several clinical studies have confirmed the effectiveness of saffron extract (Saffr' Activ®) in treating mental problems, reducing stress and helping with PMS.

The easily dosed capsules naturally help you feel lighter and more resilient in emotionally stressful situations.



In summary, although there are no clinical studies that explicitly address the use of CBD and hemp to relieve menstrual pain - PMS, there is nevertheless a lot of evidence that cannabis has very good experience with abdominal pain, nausea, bloating, loss of appetite, insomnia, psychological upsets and other menstrual symptoms among numerous users.


There is a wide variety of CBD products. CBD oil is probably the best-known form of administration. There are also CBD capsules. Both are simple and easy to take.

For some superficial effects on the skin caused by PMS, such as acne, CBD ointments or CBD creams can be used additionally.

For PMS, you should pay attention to the CBD entourage effect Therefore, full-spectrum CBD oils should be used. The effects of CBD can be enhanced through the entourage effect.


Protein from hemp seeds can also help relieve the symptoms of PMS and menopause

A targeted diet can help with the symptoms. Experts often recommend eating more vitamins B6, D and E, and minerals such as calcium or magnesium. Spinach, salmon, almonds, dates, bananas and cocoa are said to have soothing effects. Less salt, alcohol and caffeine are also recommended.

Hemp seeds in a can
Organic hemp seeds - Austria quality seal

Powerfood hemp seeds

In a study of women with PMS, taking 1 gram of essential fatty acids – including 210 mg of GLA (gamma-linolenic acid) – per day resulted in a significant reduction in symptoms.

Because hemp seeds are high in GLA, several studies suggest that they may also help relieve the symptoms of menopause. The exact process is unknown, but the GLA in hemp seeds may help regulate the hormone imbalances and discomfort associated with menopause.

Study links

Organic snack in bowls
Date - hemp seed - nut - snack for PMS

OUR TIP for a great snack:

A handful of nuts are not only good for your health, they taste good too. Mix them with a few apricots/dates, hemp seeds and cocoa in a blender and you'll have delicious energy balls in just a few minutes.

A healthy snack for in between meals, especially beneficial for PMS symptoms.

You can also add a few pieces of dark chocolate to prevent cravings and lift your mood a little.

CBD and hemp can therefore provide you with ideal support during this time - on the one hand to alleviate the symptoms, and on the other hand to be able to deal with them in a more relaxed and balanced way.

PMS Tips Graphic
What to do about menstrual pain?


For legal reasons, we would like to point out that the effects of hemp and cannabinoids (CBD) described here refer exclusively to public scientific reports and specialist reports, publications and user experiences and are not to be understood as instructions for use or promises of healing. The text is in no way a substitute for professional advice from a doctor and may not be used as a basis for independent diagnosis and the start, change or termination of treatment of diseases. Always consult your trusted doctor if you have any health questions or complaints!



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